Compliance Verification Activity Report: CV1617-213 - TransCanada PipeLines Limited


Compliance verification activity type: Field Inspection

Activity #: CV1617-213
Start date: 2016-06-13
End date: 2016-06-15


Regulated company: TransCanada PipeLines Limited

Operating company: TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TransCanada)

Province(s) / Territory(s):


Related events:

Rationale and scope:

As part of its annual compliance monitoring plan, the NEB scheduled a compliance verification activity (CVA) of TransCanada Pipelines Limited (TransCanada) pipelines located in the Saint-Sébastien, Quebec region. Pursuant to the National Energy Board Act (the Act), the Officers are planning an inspection of the Saint-Sebastien Loop to follow up on issues related to the reclamation of the Project’s construction work areas, with specific attention to Lots P-185-, P-186 and P-187 and to follow up on several NEB audits conducted since 2008. The inspection will focus primarily on the NEB’s requirements in respect of environmental protection and reclamation of the areas affected by the Loop’s construction, including the right-of-way (RoW) and the temporary work spaces (TWS). Under Condition 5(b) of Amending Order AO-1-XG-T001-14-2006, TransCanada is required to file Post-Construction Monitoring Reports (PCMR) for the Saint-Sebastien Loop (the Loop), with respect to Lots 185, 186 and 187 for a period of five years following commencement of operations of the Loop. TransCanada filed its final report on January 26, 2016 for the 2015 reporting year. This inspection follows up on assertions made in the PCMR, previous NEB audits and landowner problems and concerns.

Compliance tool(s) used:

Facility details


Regulatory requirements

Regulatory requirements that apply to this activity:

Observations (no outstanding follow-up required)

Observation 1 - Lots 185, 186 and 187

Date & time of visit: 2016-06-13 13:30

Discipline: Environmental Protection




Following the opening meeting, NEB Staff, the Landowner and TransCanada Representatives inspected the pipeline RoW on these lots.
Summary Comments and Observations

During the debrief meeting (15:05), Board Staff, the Landowner and TransCanada Representatives discussed the following:

Overall, the Officers are satisfied with reclamation work completed to date. The Landowner and TransCanada Representatives have agreed to communicate and resolve any remaining issues. The NEB Issues Resolution Staff have offered to facilitate future discussions if necessary. 


Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 2 - Lots 26, 71 to 184, Valve Site 805, Valve Site 805 + 6.5, and Meter Station 805 + 6.53

Date & time of visit: 2016-06-14 09:23

Discipline: Environmental Protection




Following a job safety analysis (JSA), Board Staff and TransCanada Representatives inspected and walked the remainder of the 6.5 km Saint Sebastien Loop RoW.
Summary Comments and Observations

Overall, NEB Staff are satisfied with reclamation on the Loop.

Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observation 3 - Documents reviewed - TransCanada’s office

Date & time of visit: 2016-06-15 09:15

Discipline: Environmental Protection




During the meeting, NEB Staff and TransCanada Representatives discussed the following:

 TransCanadaRapport de piquetage/Approbation de perturbation du sol26 April 2016
VE3-21Groupe Conseil UDA inc.Rapport de visite – Les Fermes Raunis Enr. (M. St-Denis) – Lot P-7928 August 2015
3336-018_TAP001_2014-12-19_RENDEMENT MGRGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2014- Rendements échantillonnés – Maïs-Grain19 December 2014
3336-018_TAP002_2014-12-19_RENDEMENT SOYGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2014- Rendements échantillonnés – Soya19 December 2014
 TransCanadaRapport de piquetage/Approbation de perturbation du sol16 December 2015
 TransCanadaRapport de piquetage/Approbation de perturbation du sol25 November 2015
Suivi 2010 (10-12-14)-rev1.xlsGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Suivi environnemental 201014 December 2014
3336-017_TAP001_2013-12-13_RENDEMENT SOYGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2013- Rendements échantillonnés – Soya13 December 2013
3336-017_TAP002_2013-12-17_RENDEMENT MGRGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2013- Rendements échantillonnés – Maïs-Grain17 December 2013
VE3-25/23Groupe Conseil UDA inc.Rapports de visites – Évaluation du compactage26 September 2012
3336-016_TAP001_2012-12-05_RENDEMENT MGRGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2012- Rendements échantillonnés – Maïs-Grain5 December 2012
3336-016_TAP001_2012-12-12_RENDEMENT SoyaGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 2 : Suivis agricoles 2011- Rendements échantillonnés – Soya12 December 2012
VE3-21-Lot P-79Groupe Conseil UDA inc.Rapport de visite – Les Fermes Raunis Enr. (M. St-Denis)22 June 2012
3336-015_TAP001_2011-11-15_RENDEMENT SOYAGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 1 : Suivis agricoles 2011- Rendements échantillonnés – Soya15 November 2011
3336-015_TAP001_2011-12-02_RENDEMENT MGRGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau 2 : Suivis agricoles 2011- Rendements échantillonnés – Maïs-Grain2 December 2011
RJ-10-12-23-3336-14-RC_05.xlsGroupe Conseil UDA inc.2010 Examen du tuyau de drainage23 December 2010
RJ-10-12-22-3336-14-RC_04.xlsGroupe Conseil UDA inc.2010 Examen du tuyau de drainage22 December 2010
RJ-10-12-21-3336-14-RC_03.xlsGroupe Conseil UDA inc.2010 Examen du tuyau de drainage21 December 2010
RJ-10-12-20-3336-14-#02Groupe Conseil UDA inc.Examen du tuyau de drainage 201020 December 2010
RJ-10-12-20-3336-14-#02(1)Groupe Conseil UDA inc.2010 Examen du tuyau de drainage20 December 2010
3336-014_TAP001_2010-12-01_RENDEMENT MAISGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau A : Suivis agricoles 2010- Rendements échantillonnés – Maïs-Grain1 December 2010
3336-014_TAP001_2010-12-01_RENDEMENT SOYAGroupe Conseil UDA inc.Tableau B : Suivis agricoles 2010- Rendements échantillonnés – Soya1 December 2010
 TransCanadaRapport de jalonnement19 October 2009
8859-03-ML-02-001, REV 03TransCanadaCarte-tracé de construction, Saint-Sébastien 
8859-03-ML-02-002, REV 03TransCanadaCarte-tracé de construction, Saint-Sébastien 
8859-03-ML-02-001, REV 04TransCanadaCarte-tracé de construction, Saint-Sébastien 
8859-03-ML-02-002, REV 04TransCanadaCarte-tracé de construction, Saint-Sébastien


Compliance tool used: No compliance tool used

Observations (company follow-up required)

Identified non-compliances to company plans or procedures are non-compliances either to:

- the condition of an authorization document that requires the implementation of that plan or procedure; or

- the relevant section of the regulations that requires implementation of that plan or procedure including those sections that require implementation of plans or procedures as a part of a Program